Friday, June 29, 2007

End of June update....

Not a whole lot to update lately. I was in a slump earlier in the week. I felt like I was tired of doing this and I wanted to just eat everything in sight! I had horrible cravings and wanted to just binge on everything but I was able to control it for the most part. Had a few bad things but didn't binge or eat until I felt sick or disgusted afterwards. I seem to have gotten through it and have gotten back on track again. Been working out again this week, even been getting some extra exercise in the evenings playing outside with my husband and kids, plus doing weight lifting too on top of my normal workouts. I was planning on weighing myself this morning but I forgot, LOL! I like to weigh myself first thing in the morning before I have anything to eat or drink and I didn't even think about it until after I had already eaten breakfast (which by the way was 2 multi-grain waffles with sugar free syrup, about a quarter of a pop tart and water) so I plan on weighing tomorrow morning. Last weekend I wore the jeans that I bought a few months back that were 2 sizes smaller than normal. I didn't know what to expect with them since I've been kind of off track here and there..but they still fit. I don't think they were much looser, maybe a little, but they definitely weren't any tighter so that makes me happy. I just need to really get my butt motivated again like I was before. I don't want to go back to being the pig that I used to be. Next week will be that damned time of the month again and I'm always starving around that time, but hopefully I can muddle through it without doing too bad. I've been really working on the blogging thing lately. I need to get some more readers! I'm going to have to come up with some good ideas to get more interaction and find out how many of you really pay attention to what I write here and in my other 2 blogs!


  1. I am also on a diet...Slimming World. Today is a Green Day!
    Wine tonight....for the stress! LOL!
